
How is an elevator an Atwood machine?

How is an elevator an Atwood machine?

1. An Atwood’s machine is simply two masses hanging over a pulley. This is how an elevator is constructed. If the masses are not equal then the system of masses will accelerates.

How is an elevator similar to an Atwood machine?

Practical implementations An elevator with a counterbalance approximates an ideal Atwood machine and thereby relieves the driving motor from the load of holding the elevator cab — it has to overcome only weight difference and inertia of the two masses.

Are elevators Atwood machines?

Elevators in multi-level buildings are examples of Atwood machines. The counterweight in an elevator is typically the mass of the elevator plus about half of the mass of the allowable load.

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How does an elevator work?

Elevators work via a pulley-esque system whereby a metal rope connects to the top of the elevator car that travels through a “sheave” in the engine room, according to Discovery. Thus, the sheave acts as a pulley wheel featuring grooves to hold onto the metal rope (also known as a cable) securely.

When were elevators first used?

The OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY can trace its origins to 1853, when Elisha Graves Otis introduced the first safety passenger elevator at the Crystal Palace Convention in New York City. His invention impressed spectators at the convention, and the first passenger elevator was installed in New York City in 1856.

What kind of machine is used to move an elevator up and down?

The pulley is a type of wheel and axle that works with a rope or chain to move an object up and down or back and forth. People use pulleys to lift very large objects or to lower them. Pulleys can also make it possible to lift an object very high off of the ground.

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What is Atwood Machine and its uses?

An Atwood Machine is a basic physics laboratory device often used to demonstrate basic principles of dynamics and acceleration. The machine typically involves a pulley, a string, and a system of masses. If m1 is greater than m2, determine the acceleration of the two masses when released from rest.

How do you calculate the force acting on an elevator?

The combined system of you + elevator has two forces, a combined force of gravity and the tension in the cable. Consider the normal force acting on you from the elevator: N = mg if the elevator is at rest or moving at constant velocity. N = mg + ma if the elevator has an upward acceleration.

What is the physics of an elevator?

Elevator Physics. the elevator has a downward acceleration (accelerating down, or decelerating while on the way up) In this situation there are no new forces acting when there is an acceleration – one or more of the forces simply change size to produce the acceleration. Your free-body diagram has two forces,…

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How can the net downward acceleration of an elevator be reduced?

The answer to part (d) of your question depends on the presence or absence of air resistance and friction between the elevator and the walls. Either one of them will tend to reduce the net downward acceleration. Follow-up on this answer.

What happens to your weight when the elevator starts and stops?

When the elevator is moving, we will weigh our normal weight. Since we are already moving at the same speed as the elevator (up or down), nothing is affecting us to change our weight. However, when the elevator starts to go or stops, our body resists it. Let’s say we are going down.