
How is Balram related to Krishna?

How is Balram related to Krishna?

Balarama, in Hindu mythology, the elder half brother of Krishna, with whom he shared many adventures. Sometimes Balarama is considered one of the 10 avatars (incarnations) of the god Vishnu, particularly among those members of Vaishnava sects who elevate Krishna to the rank of a principal god.

Who was Balram mother?


Parents Vasudeva (father) Devaki (mother) Rohini ( surrogate mother)
Siblings Krishna and Subhadra
Consort Revati
Children Nishatha and Ulmuka (sons)

How did Balram born?

At this time Lord Vishnu instructed Yogamaya, His internal potency, to transfer the unborn child from the womb of Devaki to that of Rohini, one of the other wives of Vasudeva. In this way Balarama was born in Gokul under the protection of Nanda Maharaja. Lord Balarama is the eternal companion of Sri Krishna.

Did Krishna and Balarama have the same father?

No, Krishna and Balarama were born to the same father. Krishna was born as a son to Vasudeva and Devaki in Mathura while Balarama was born as a son to Vasudeva and Rohini in Gokula.

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Who is the mother of Balarama?

Balarama was born in the womb of Devaki. As Devaki was imprisoned and Kamsa had decided to kill all the children born to her, the child from the womb of Devaki was placed inside Rohini. Devaki and Rohini were the wives of Vasudeva. Even though Balram was born first in the womb of Devaki, his mother is Rohini as she delivered Him.

Why was Krishna born to Devaki and Rohini?

To save Balarama from getting killed by Kamsa, Vishnu transferred him to the womb of Rohini. Thus, Krishna was born to Devaki, and Balarama was born to Rohini. Both the brothers would go on to kill Kamsa and destroy his evil empire.

Is Balram ji the brother of Sri Krishna?

Certainly Not – Balram Ji was own brother of Lord Sri Krishna. Balram Ji was born from Rohini and she was also wife of Vasudeva Ji. He was married to Devki and Rohini also but she was at Nand Baba house at Gokul due to fear of Kansh.