
How long after Roberts rebellion Does Game of Thrones start?

How long after Roberts rebellion Does Game of Thrones start?

When Targaryens Ruled Robert’s Rebellion, which saw familiar Game of Thrones figures like Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon successfully oust the Targaryen family from the Iron Throne, won’t happen until 150 years or so after the events of House of the Dragon.

How old was rhaegar during the rebellion?

Rhaegar: born 259 AL. Good catch, she was born in 245/246 and he was born in 259. So he would have been 23 at the start of the rebellion and she would have been 36-37, making her 13-14 when he was born.

Is Game of Thrones historically accurate?

The Game of Thrones series is not historically accurate and yet it is entirely historically accurate. First, consider that both the TV show and the novels are complete works of fiction. Nothing and no one in GoT is historical in our world.

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What is Robert’s rebellion in Game of Thrones?

Robert’s Rebellion, also known as the War of the Usurper, was a rebellion against House Targaryen, primarily instigated by Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, and Robert Baratheon, for whom it is named. It lasted “close to a year” and resulted in the end of the Targaryen dynasty in the Seven Kingdoms and the beginning of Robert Baratheon’s reign.

How long did Robert’s rebellion last?

Robert’s Rebellion, also known as the War of the Usurper, was one of the last great civil wars among the Great Houses of Westeros that took place approximately seventeen years before the War of the Five Kings begins, and lasted about one year; two, if one counts the Assault on Dragonstone as the final engagement of the conflict.

What is Robert Baratheon’s rebellion?

Robert’s Rebellion, also known as the War of the Usurper, was a rebellion against House Targaryen, primarily instigated by Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, and Robert Baratheon, for whom it is named.

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Why did Robert Baratheon marry Cersei Lannister?

Robert marries Cersei in a Baratheon-Lannister alliance. Robert laid claim to the Iron Throne because he had been the first to take up arms and had killed Prince Rhaegar personally. Robert was also the only rebel leader to have a blood link to the Targaryens, as his mother had Targaryen blood.