
How long can COVID-19 stay on hard surfaces?

How long can COVID-19 stay on hard surfaces?

Scientists found that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can be detected in aerosols for up to three hours and on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to three days. The findings emphasize the importance of hand washing and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces to protect against infection.

Which Indian states have extended the lockdown till 31 May?

The capital city of southern India’s Telangana has also extended the lockdown till 31 May. The state has more than 1,500 active cases of Covid-19, and 34 deaths, according to India’s health ministry. City buses and metro services are suspended. Taxis and private cars as well as auto rickshaws or tuk-tuks are allowed, with limited passengers.

Is it time to ease the lockdown in India?

Experts from the southern state of Kerala, a striking outlier that is containing the infection thanks to a transparent government and a robust public health system, say it isn’t time to lift the lockdown yet and have recommended a three-phase relaxation. For most countries, easing the lockdown is a tricky policy choice.

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What are the rules of Lockdown 4 in Mumbai?

“Any relaxations from the earlier rules are yet to be implemented under lockdown 4,” said Mumbai’s police, warning citizens that strict action would be taken against vehicles and people “travelling at any hour of the day, without valid permission or for non-emergency”. Coronavirus: Is social distancing an oxymoron in India?

What is the covid-19 Lockdown in India?

On 24 March 2020, with approximately 500 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 reported in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the country and declared a nationwide lockdown. He announced that “a total ban is being imposed on people, from stepping out of their homes for a period of 21 days.”