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How long can you live on bread and butter?

How long can you live on bread and butter?

No one food can provide you will all the nutrients you need and despite all of its benefits bread is not an exception to this rule. At most you’d be able to survive for 6 months before succumbing to severe health problems. What is this? At first, you’d experience mild fatigue and aches within the initial weeks.

Can a person live on bread and water?

The short answer is yes, yes, it would, but the larger question is; is it even possible? You could probably survive on quality whole grain bread that’s been fermented for a while. But eventually you would run into nutritional deficiencies, and in all likelihood, you’d eventually get sick of the carb-laden substance.

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Can you eat butter by itself?

If eaten in conventional amounts, butter has few known adverse health effects. However, eating butter in large amounts may very well lead to weight gain and associated health problems, especially in the context of a high-calorie diet.

How long could you survive on peanut butter and water alone?

In a survival situation you could probably go a fairly long time. You’d be pretty unhealthy at the end of that time. There’s no precise answer to how long because there are too many factors to consider. You could survive for a very long time on peanut butter and water however you can, over time, expect to lose weight.

How long can humans survive without food and water?

Humans can only survive for a few days without water, but can survive ( up to) weeks without food. Having said that…

Is it possible to live without water?

Indeed, one can survive without no fluid indefinitely. This is true if you have consumed enough foods filled with water to replace the fluid lost by your body. The human body does not necessarily need to consume pure water. What it needs are nutrients and electrolytes from the aqueous solution to be absorbed by the body.

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How long can you live on only bread and water?

You can live a while on only bread and water. The question becomes, do you really want to live in that kind of pain. , Lives a healthy life while ignoring all the wingnut internet hooha. Tough to answer, because a lot depends on the amount of stored fat and total bodyweight that a person starts with.