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How long did it take a troop ship to cross the Atlantic in ww2?

How long did it take a troop ship to cross the Atlantic in ww2?

4 days and 8 hours
USS Lake Champlain, a brand new Essex-class carrier that arrived too late for the war, could cross the Atlantic and take 3,300 troops home a little under 4 days and 8 hours.

How did they transport troops in ww2?

Both sides used armored personnel carriers to transport troops on the ground, self-propelled artillery, a variety of tanks and even tank destroyers. Air transport included such well-known planes as the Boeing C-108 Flying Fortress, the Douglas C-47 Skytrain, C-54 Skymaster and the Douglas DC-3.

Were there any aircraft carriers in the Atlantic during ww2?

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Aircraft carriers successfully completed a variety of functions during the war, both in the Atlantic and the Pacific theaters. All of these functions were, at one time or another, accomplished by fleet, light, and escort carriers.

How many carriers did the US have at the end of ww2?

The United States had 105 aircraft carriers of all types in World War II. Sixty-four of them were of the smaller escort carrier type. The larger attack carriers had crews numbering from 1,000 to 3,500 men. 7 The large majority of these were in action in the Pacific.

What happened to the US soldiers after ww2?

The US Army finally ended the point system in June 1946 in favor of discharging all soldiers after they had completed two years of service. By the time the US Army’s demobilization officially ended on June 30, 1947, the Army had decreased from eight million soldiers in 1945 to 684,000 on July 1, 1947.

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Were any American troop ships sunk in ww2?

According to the War Shipping Administration, the U.S. Merchant Marine suffered the highest rate of casualties of any service in World War II. Officially, a total of 1,554 ships were sunk due to war conditions, including 733 ships of over 1,000 gross tons.

How were US troops transported to Europe in ww2?

Since even the transport ships needed to bring American troops to Europe were scarce, the army pressed into service cruise ships, seized German ships, and borrowed Allied ships to transport American soldiers from New York, New Jersey, and Virginia.

How did Japanese aircraft carriers affect World War II?

Crewmen can be seen jumping overboard to escape the burning vessel. The effectiveness of large aircraft carriers was demonstrated early in the war, when dozens of Japanese fighters and bombers, launched from aircraft carriers, decimated the U.S Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in late 1941.

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What kind of ships were used in WW2?

Many kinds of ships, such as battleships, submarines, and aircraft carriers, had been used in previous wars, but the global nature of World War II made naval battles especially important. These vessels ranged from heavily armed warships to numerous support craft such as fuel ships and troop landing boats.

How did the British fare in the Pacific during WWII?

British experience in Pacific strike warfare had been gained in 1943 when the carrier Victorious was loaned to the U.S. Pacific Fleet at a time when it had only one operational carrier, the Saratoga (CV-3).

How many aircraft carriers were there in WW1?

Another roughly 160 aircraft carriers were built during the war, including 24 Essex-class fleet carriers capable of carrying 90 to 110 aircraft. 9 Independence-class light carriers, with up to 35 aircraft. and roughly 125 smaller and slower escort carriers capable of carrying 24 to 30 planes.