Tips and tricks

How long does someone stay active on Messenger?

How long does someone stay active on Messenger?

Typically, when someone has not logged into Facebook for more than 24 hours, the “Last Active” status will no longer be shown. Even if the person did not disable the “Last Active” status, Messenger will stop showing when the person was last online after 24 hours.

How long do you stay active on Facebook?

You are only made idle on Facebook when you have been inactive for at least 10 consecutive minutes. As soon as you begin to browse on the site again, or take part in a chat conversation, you go back to available status until you once again stop using the site for at least 10 minutes.

Why does Messenger show active when Im not?

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There would be two possible reasons for this: That person has turned off chat on the device they are using. They will still be able to receive messages, but will show as offline. If they turned off chat in the Messenger app, they will actually still be able to chat; they simply won’t show up as Active Now.

Can you be active on Facebook without being on it?

Can Messenger show that you are online without you opening Facebook? Yes it can. You could download a game or app and use your Facebook profile to log into it when you create an account in the game or app. Facebook may show you as online then. Also, the online status shown can be wrong.

Does Facebook active lie?

It’s a common theory Facebook Messenger’s last seen notifications are not accurate. Mainly because it is thought if you leave the app or site open, it will still show you as being “active now” even though you are not physically browsing within it. Others say the status isn’t accurate at all.

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How long does the Green Dot stay on Messenger?

How long does the green dot stay on Facebook chat? As long as you are active on Facebook and using the app, the green dot will stay. The moment you sign out of Facebook and ensure that the device is not running in the background then the green dot will turn grey.