How long of a game is thief?

How long of a game is thief?

When focusing on the main objectives, Thief is about 11 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 43½ Hours to obtain 100\% completion.

Is thief gold a good game?

The first one (in which you have to rob a thieves’ guild hideout) is excellent – the map is massive, the design good, and the gameplay very challenging, especially on higher difficulty settings. Of course, Thief Gold also includes all the levels from the original game, and they are as good as ever.

Is thief any good Reddit?

Seriously, this game is pretty good. I picked it up used at EB Games and I haven’t been able to put it down ever since. Its got a great soundtrack, it looks great, handles great. The game is everything I expected it to be with some minor glitches and frame issues.

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Is Thief a horror game?

Though not a horror game series, Thief has supernatural themes throughout and a few strong horror-themed missions.

Is Thief like Dishonored?

That Dishonored took large dollops of inspiration from Thief shouldn’t be too surprising. Thief was a stealth game like Dishonored, and it was great. Thief: Deadly Shadows was also made by Ion Storm, the company Dishonored game director Harvey Smith used to work for.

How long is Thief The Dark Project?


Single-Player Polled Leisure
Main Story 12 16h 31m
Main + Extras 5 24h 16m
Completionists 4 30h 49m
All PlayStyles 21 25h 20m

How many chapters are there in Thief?

eight chapters
The story of Thief is broken up into eight chapters, which can be completed in immediate succession or after breaks within the City Hub, where players can take optional Side missions from Basso to earn extra gold or merely explore the city.

Do guards wake up in Thief?

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They won’t wake up unless another guard finds them.

Is Thief The Dark Project on steam?

Thief Gold (The Dark Project) is provided via Steam for Windows. A free Steam account is required.

Is Dishonored the best stealth game?

Dishonored 2 is arguably the best stealth-action game of the last decade and will likely hold a place in the top 3/5/10 for years to come.

What order should I play the Dishonored games?

The order in which they take place syncs up with the release order. So it goes Dishonored, Knives of Dunwall, Brigmore Witches, Dishonored 2, and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

Is the original Thief a good game?

Thief remains for the most part a finely crafted stealth game. But what was revolutionary in 1998 was improved upon from the sequel onwards.

How does thief sound like?

More important than how the game looks, however, is how it sounds. Thief’s audio is a layered blend of electronic music and ambient noises designed to slowly seep into your subconscious, lending weight to the darkness that nearly always surrounds you.

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What happened to Thief The Dark Project?

Nick of time. As with so much else about Thief: The Dark Project, its legacy is wreathed in shadow. Thief’s footprint is barely visible today, a world away from the fame of Grand Theft Auto or Metal Gear Solid or even Deus Ex.