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How long should I wait to stretch my ears after piercing them?

How long should I wait to stretch my ears after piercing them?

No matter what the case is, beginning the ear stretching process by going up a single size is the best and safest way to proceed. Before you begin ear stretching your original piercing should be completely healed. Make sure that you wait 4-6 months after a ‘fresh piercing’ before you begin.

Can I stretch my ear after a week?

Stretching your ear too quickly can tear the skin. Only increase your jewelry by one size (2 gauge) at a time. Wait 4 to 6 weeks before increasing sizes. Wait for inflammation and pain to subside before increasing the size of your gauge.

Can you stretch your ears if you have scar tissue?

If you want to stretch your ear you have to have patience, its better to take your time rather than rush the stretching process. If you stretch your ear too quickly then scar tissue around the stretched hole can form, which causes irritation making stretching either uncomfortable or even impossible to do.

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What size is a normal ear piercing?

Standard ear piercings are a 20g or 18g if they were pierced by a gun. If they were pierced by a professional, the lobe piercing will typically be a 16g or 14g.

What size gauge is between 0 and 00?

To avoid damaging the ear lobe, it is necessary to use “half sizes” to keep the stretches at one millimeter increments. The half size between 2g and 0g is 7mm, also known as 1g. The half size between 0g and 00g is 9mm and is occasionally called 00g.

Why do stretched ears smell?

Why does this happen? Your body secretes a substance called sebum, sebum is an oily secretion which helps your skin keep lubricated and keep it waterproof. The sebum mixes with the dead skin cells between your ear and the jewellery to make this unpleasant odour.

Why is my stretched ear crusty?

If you just had your body pierced and you start to notice a crusty material around the piercing site, don’t worry. Crusting after body piercing is perfectly normal—this is just the result of your body trying to heal itself. 1 Dead blood cells and plasma make their way to the surface and then dry when exposed to air.

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What gauge is a piercing gun?

An earlobe piercing that’s done with a piercing gun is a 22 gauge needle. Any standard size earring or post will fit you. If you’ve been pierced with a needle in a piercing shop, most likely you’re at a 20 or 18 gauge.