
How long was Tony Stark stuck in space with Nebula?

How long was Tony Stark stuck in space with Nebula?

After the Snap, Tony Stark and Nebula, who were the only survivors on Titan resorted to the Benatar in hopes of returning to Earth and reuniting with the Avengers. The Benatar only had a few supplies left since Stark and Nebula had been on the ship for more than twenty days.

Why did Stark and Nebula leave Titan?

Tony left Titan with Rocket and Nebula in the Guardians space ship, the problem was that a fuel cell got damaged and they could not jump to light speed. And they were dead in space. They were not expecting that to happen.

How did they make Tony Stark skinny?

Visual effects were used to make Tony Stark look emaciated at the film’s start in space. “Our VFX team did an exceptional job of taking some weight off of him and making him look like he is on death’s door,” said Joe Russo.

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Why did the guardians go to Titan?

To prevent Thanos from torturing her captive sister Nebula, Gamora revealed the location of the Soul Stone to be on Vormir. The Guardians and the Avengers in a stand-off Unaware of Gamora’s death, the remaining Guardians, acting on a tip from the escaped Nebula, landed on Titan with the aim to ambush Thanos there.

What happened to Tony Stark and Nebula Stark after Endgame?

This is one big question we have after seeing Avengers: Endgame. Full spoilers follow for Avenger: Endgame, so jump on the Benatar and get out of here if you haven’t seen the movie yet! Early on in Avengers: Endgame, Tony Stark and Nebula are lost in space, adrift on the Benatar.

Is Tony Stark in space in Avengers 4?

Tony Stark (& Nebula) Are Trapped In Space At The Start of Avengers 4. From the opening of the Avengers: Endgame trailer, we know Tony Stark is stranded in space and near death as he records a message for Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), who’s back on Earth. Based on the exterior shots, he seems to be on the Guardians’ ship.

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What happened to Tony and Nebula’s space ship?

Endgame start shows that Tony and Nebula have tried to use the Guardian’s Spaceship to get back to earth. However this space ship was partly damaged in the battle on Titan and thus they end up getting stranded in Space. You can hear Tony mentioning this problem in the message that he is recording for Pepper Potts.

How did Tony Stark wake up from his sleep?

Shortly after Tony Stark started drifting off to sleep, he was awakened by a blinding light emitted from Captain Marvel traveling through space. After Captain Marvel found Stark and Nebula aboard the Benatar, she brought it back to the New Avengers Facility on Earth.