
How long would it take something to fall to the bottom of the deepest ocean?

How long would it take something to fall to the bottom of the deepest ocean?

The depth in this part of the trench is nearly 36,000 feet, or over six miles. In a flat sea with little to no current, it would take a penny approximately 3 ½ hours to fall to the floor of the trench from the surface, according to some mathematicians.

Would a bowling ball sink to the bottom of the ocean?

A 13-pound bowling ball, which is much closer to neutrally buoyant in seawater, would take four and a half hours to reach the bottom. A bowling ball made of solid osmium, the heaviest naturally-occurring element, would weigh 120 kilograms, and could sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in just 16 minutes.

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How long would it take a rock to get to the bottom of the ocean?

A pebble dropped overboard would take just over an hour to reach the pitch-black seabed, where temperatures hover just above freezing and the pressure is over 1000 times higher than at the surface.

How long would you survive at the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

You can’t breath at the bottom of the ocean. If you can’t breath, your body won’t stay alive for more than about 30 minutes. (Although you’d lose consciousness after about 5.) (3) The water pressure is very high.

Will a bowling ball float in the Dead Sea?

They learned much about the density of a regular ocean, fresh water, and compared that to the density of the Dead Sea in Israel. They learned that the density of the bowling ball had to be less than than the density of the Dead Sea because it floated when it was thrown into the Dead Sea.

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Do bowling balls float in water?

Bowling balls less than 12 lbs will float. Bowling balls greater than 12 lbs will sink. Bowling balls that are marked 12 lbs have a density very close to 1 g/mL and will sink, hover, or float.

What is the launch angle of a cannonball?

Imagine a cannonball launched from a cannon at three different launch angles – 30-degrees, 45-degrees, and 60-degrees. The launch speed is held constant; only the angle is changed.

What is the path of a cannonball?

The path of the cannonballs are shown. Additionally, the velocity components (horizontal and vertical) are represented by arrows in the animation. As can be seen from the above animation, each cannonball follows a parabolic path. The cannonball launched at a 45-degree angle had the greatest range.

Which launch angle has the greatest Hang Time and range?

As can be seen from the animation, the projectile launched at 60-degrees has the greatest hang time; yet its range is limited by the fact that the v x is the smallest of all three angles. The projectile launched at 30-degrees has the greatest v x of all three launch angles; yet its range is limited by the fact that the hang time is so short.