Tips and tricks

How long would it take to leave the universe at the speed of light?

How long would it take to leave the universe at the speed of light?

A new study shows it would take 200,000 years for a spaceship traveling at the speed of light to go across the entire galaxy.

How long would it take me to travel across the universe?

It’s Space Day, but traveling the vast entity that is space would take far longer than a single day. The nearest galaxy: 749,000,000 (that’s 749 million) years. The end of the known universe: 225,000,000,000,000 years (that’s 225 trillion) years.

How long would it take for an object traveling at the speed of light to circle the earth?

If you could travel at the speed of light, you would be able to circle the Earth’s equator about 7.5 times in just one second! In other words, a light-second is the distance light travels in one second, or 7.5 times the distance around Earth’s equator. A light-year is the distance light travels in one year.

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How long would it take you to get to the edge of the universe?

It would take over 73,000 years.

How long does it take to travel 9 trillion km?

If you are wondering, there are just about 31,500,000 seconds in a year, and if you multiply this by 186,000 (the distance that light travels each second), you get 5.9 trillion miles (9.4 trillion km)—the distance that light travels in one year.

How long would it take to travel to the edge of universe?

Forever. A light speed trip to the current edge of the observable universe would take some 46 billion years. The problem is that at its edge, the observable universe is expanding at a speed greater than the speed of light. As a result, by the time the light gets to where the edge is now, it will be even more than 46 billion years further out.

Does the universe expand at the speed of light?

For 13.8 billion years, that’s three times the speed of light. At best the universe expands at the speed of light which would be the same as having two cars travel at exactly 60 mph but having one car start traveling 1 min before the second.

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How long would it take the universe to expand to infinity?

Considering that the Universe was created 13.772 billion years ago and it expanded from then at the speed of light, then right now, it would take 27.54400 billion years, right now dis-including how much more it will have expanded ontop of the original size.

How long would it take to travel at the speed of light?

So it would take 25,000 years to get there if you traveled at the speed of light. Actually, that’s the amount of time it would take from the perspective of the outside world. From the perspective of a traveler moving at the speed of light, it would appear to take no time at all.