
How many books do people read UK?

How many books do people read UK?

More than one-quarter (28\%) read every day, with a further 22\% reading weekly. More than half own at least 50 books, with an adult owning around 200 on average, the report added.

Do British people read a lot?

Two in five (43\%) Britons say they read for pleasure at least once a week, with a third (35\%) doing so multiple times and 19\% of UK adults reading every day. Britain’s keenest readers tend to be older, with 34\% of Brits over 55 saying they read at least once a day, compared to just 7\% of 18 to 24 year olds.

Which age group reads the most UK?

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* Proportion of respondents that participated in the 12 months prior to the interview. ** n(16-24)=541; n(25-44)=2,404; n(45-64)=2,490; n(65-74)=1,283; n(75+)=997….Share of adult population reading in their free time in England in 2017/18, by age*

Age group Share of respondents

How many books do people read in the UK each year?

According to a YouGov survey, the mean number of books read for pleasure by adults in the UK is around 10 each year, and the median is around 4.…

How many books does the average CEO READ?

A survey that was conducted by the Fast Company revealed that the average number of books a successful CEO read is about 60 per year. Voracious readers do not only read 5 books per month, e.g. one of the worlds most successful readers like Warren Buffett claims to read as much as 500 pages every day.

How long does it take to read a book per day?

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The average book can be read in about 5 hours hence 25 hours or 1500 minutes/month divided by 30 days equals 50 minutes/day.

How many Americans read books in 2015?

Roughly 72 percent of American adults read a book in 2015, continuing a gradual decline over the last 5 years (from 79 percent in 2011). However, these stats include people who reported reading “one book…in part”, so it’s unclear how many made it all the way through.