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How many days are there until Jesus birthday?

How many days are there until Jesus birthday?

Dates for Jesus’ Birthday from 2016 to 2026

When is …? Date Days away
Jesus’ Birthday 2019 December 25, 2019 718 days ago
Jesus’ Birthday 2020 December 25, 2020 352 days ago
Jesus’ Birthday 2021 December 25, 2021 in 13 days
Jesus’ Birthday 2022 December 25, 2022 in 378 days

How do you prepare for your coming?

7 Ways to Prepare for Jesus’ Return (Session 11 – Mark 13:24-37)

  1. Live in the light of His first coming.
  2. Be discerning.
  3. Accept the uncertainties.
  4. Don’t lose hope.
  5. Encourage one another.
  6. Live as if today was the day.
  7. Keep on doing the work Jesus left us to do.

Why is Genesis important in the Bible?

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Christianity has interpreted Genesis as the prefiguration of certain cardinal Christian beliefs, primarily the need for salvation (the hope or assurance of all Christians) and the redemptive act of Christ on the Cross as the fulfilment of covenant promises as the Son of God.

Is Jesus Christ coming back soon?

Jesus Christ is coming back to this Earth very soon. Now, Jesus Himself made it crystal clear that we cannot know the date of His return. He stated in Matthew 24:36, “of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.”

Will the church know the timing of the Second Coming of Jesus?

There is a huge difference between setting a firm date and talking about the likely season of the second coming of Jesus Christ. So please understand that from the scriptures a strong case can be built that the true Church will indeed know the general timing of the second coming of Jesus.

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Is there evidence that Jesus will return?

More evidence that Jesus will soon return is that at the end of this age Spiritual signs will abound. Three times in Matthew 24 Jesus warns that the end of this age will see many false prophets claiming to be Christ with a resulting rise in cult followings, misleading many people away from the true teachings of the Bible.

What will happen to unbelievers after the return of Jesus?

Unbelievers will be resurrected and judged at what is referred to as the great white throne judgment; based on their works, they will be assigned to the lake of fire ( Revelation 20:11–15 ). So, the return of Jesus will usher in two different eternities—one with God and one without Him.