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How many different Spidermans are there in the comics?

How many different Spidermans are there in the comics?

This article lists down some well-known Spider-Men who emerged from the multiverses in Marvel Comics. Here are the 14 alternate versions of Spider-Man in the comic books.

How many Spider-Man superheroes are there?

Spider-Man: 28 Marvel Superheroes With Spider-Powers, Ranked. Take a look at some of the best Spider-heroes in the Marvel Comics universe, including Peter Parker, Cindy Moon, Anya Corazon, and more.

How many Spider-Man are in the spider verse?

seven Spideys
There are seven Spideys in Into the Spider-Verse: Miles Morales, Peter Parker (Chris Pine), Peter B. Parker (Jake Johnson), Spider-Man Noir (Nicolas Cage), Peni Parker (Kimiko Glenn), Spider-Gwen (Hailee Steinfeld), and Spider-Ham (John Mulaney).

Is Spider-Man the only superhero with spider-powers?

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Spider-Man has been one of Marvel’s favorite superheroes since his introduction in the 1960s, but Peter Parker isn’t the only one to get spider-powers. There are plenty of heroes (and villains) who have also been able to crawl on walls and spin webs.

Why did Peter Parker not become Spider-Man?

23 Spider-Man (Bruce Banner) There exists a Marvel comic book reality where Peter Parker never became Spider-Man because he was too busy suffering the effects of gamma radiation as the Hulk. Instead, while Bruce Banner was experimenting and trying to find a way to help Peter, he ended up with the radioactive spider bite.

Who are the villains in the Spider-Man universe?

Explore Spider-Man’s universe including villains like the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Electro & more on Marvel HQ. Marvel HQ Marvel Universe Spider-Man

Who are the top 10 most popular Spider-Man characters?

1 Peter Parker. 2 Spider-Man. 3 Spider-Man Black. 4 Iron Spidey. 5 Aunt May. 6 Mary Jane. 7 Gwen Stacy. 8 Black Cat. 9 Green Goblin. 10 Doctor Octopus.