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How many elements can Boruto use?

How many elements can Boruto use?

According to Naruto Wiki, Boruto can use three chakra natures: Wind, Lightning and Water. Wind release comes naturally to him due to it being his father’s main affinity. Lightning release was taught to him by Sasuke who trained him.

How did Boruto inherit Otsutsuki power?

Therefore, Boruto is descended from Kaguya through both of his parents. There is a theory that Boruto may have more strongly inherited Otsutsuki genes because of his ancestry. The Jougan may be a result of Boruto’s genetics. If so, it is possible that Boruto has inherited other powers through his Otsutsuki genealogy.

What is the relationship between Naruto and Boruto?

In Boruto’s own series, the next generation of ninja start to learn about their abilities and become even stronger than their parents. With danger on the horizon, these young heroes need to be prepared for anything. One of the most iconic dynamics of the series is the relationship between Boruto and his Hokage father, Naruto.

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How did Boruto become such a powerful ninja?

Of course, it’s inevitable for Boruto to become a powerful ninja. It isn’t just because of his father’s influence, though — it’s also because of his own large skill set. Like Naruto before him, Boruto starts his series as a young, teenage boy.

Who is Naruto’s oldest friend in Boruto?

1 Shikadai Is Boruto’s Oldest Friend Shikadai’s grandfather was one of the few adults in Konoha that didn’t believe in shunning Naruto as a child. With his father’s encouragement, Shikamaru ended up befriending Naruto. Naruto’s influence was one of the reasons Shikamaru sought to become an advisor to the Hokage.

How many genin in Boruto have the power of Chunin?

Having inherited great powers from their parents and trained them to a great degree, these young ninjas have become so strong that even as Genin, some of them possess the powers of Chunin and even beyond. Here are 10 Genin in Boruto whose strength is at least on par with that of a Chunin, if not higher.

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