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How many hours do freelancers work per week?

How many hours do freelancers work per week?

Our results show that even in 2019, 57\% of all participating freelancers admitted to working over 40 hours per week – down by about 10\% compared to 2017. Freelancers are working fewer hours and the average working week lowered down to 43 hours/week.

Can you have a full time job and freelance?

In short, Yes! You absolutely can be employed and freelance on the side. Actually, you will find that there are many freelancers holding onto full time or part-time jobs while they grow their own freelance client base and their freelancing pays them the salary they need.

How many hours does a freelancer work per week?

Freelancer Nebojsa Todorovic discusses how much one “effective” freelance hour is when compared to the 9-to-5 world. On this Reddit thread in 2014 a few freelancers shared their average hours worked per week. One FreelancerMap survey said freelancers work 46 hours per week.

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How many hours a week do you work?

These days, I’m working anywhere between 30-40 hours per week. That translates to at least six hours of work each day. On some days, work will pile up, so I may have to sit down for longer, but I often make up for it with an extra day off during the week.

How much does it cost to make $100K as a freelancer?

Now that you know your total cost of doing business is $145,200 and the total number of billable hours you will work per year is 1,134, you can calculate your minimum hourly rate: As you can see the minimum hourly rate needed to achieve a freelance income of $100,000 in this example is almost triple the original calculation of $50 per hour.

How do I calculate my freelance rate?

You only need to enter a few values and your new freelance rate will be automatically calculated. To begin, the general formula for calculating your freelance rate is as follows: Take your existing annual salary + annual expenses / number of working days / number of hours worked per day = your hourly freelance rate