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How many lines of code should a developer write per day?

How many lines of code should a developer write per day?

As we can see, a new developer will probably write about 100 lines of code a day, or about 25,000 lines of code in a given working year. In contrast, a more senior engineer is probably writing about 20 lines of code a day, or about 5,000 lines of code in a given working year.

What are the problems with using average lines of code written per day as a metric for programmer productivity?

The problem with using Lines of Code per day as a productivity metric is it measures the complexity of the solution, not the complexity of the problem. And like most metrics, it means very little without context. LoC has become irrelevant for productivity.

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How many lines of code is a small project?

Lines of source code is a very, very crude measure of program size and complexity. It’s also the most common. To a very rough approximation, it can be used, but don’t take it as gospel. So 1000 lines is a small project, personal or otherwise.

How many lines of code is considered a big project?

Diseconomies of Scale and Lines of Code

Project Size Lines of code (per year) COCOMO average
10,000 LOC 2,000 – 25,000 3,200
100,000 LOC 1,000 – 20,000 2,600
1,000,000 LOC 700 – 10,000 2,000
10,000,000 LOC 300 – 5,000 1,600

How many lines of code does a programmer write in a day?

In the 1975 software project management book, The Mythical Man Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Fred Brooks states that, no matter the programming language chosen, a professional developer will write an average 10 lines of code (LoC) per day.

How many lines of code does a Java developer write per month?

Java has 53 lines of code per function point and the average waterfall team does 2 function points per month per developer or 106 lines of code per month. There are many studies that I published where Scrum produces 15 function points per month per developer or 780 lines of code per developer month on average.

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What is the best measure of programmer productivity?

Lines of code (LOC) is a simple way to measure programmer productivity. Admittedly it is a flawed metric. As Bill Gates famously said “Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight”. But it is at least easy to measure.

How many lines of code does the average waterfall developer code per month?

Another way to approach this question is to look at various languages lines of code per function point. Java has 53 lines of code per function point and the average waterfall team does 2 function points per month per developer or 106 lines of code per month.