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How many mm do teeth move with braces?

How many mm do teeth move with braces?

The rate of biological tooth movement with optimum mechanical force is about 1.0 to 1.5 mm in 4 to 5 weeks.

Which teeth are usually extracted for ortho?

Which teeth are extracted depends on the patient’s specific case, but generally, the premolars (the 4th and 5th teeth in order from the front) are the most likely to be removed. In some cases, a back molar may be removed in addition, or instead, of the premolars.

How many mm are in a tooth?

The recorded mean lengths for these teeth were 9.84 mm (men = 10.04 mm, women = 9.64 mm), 8.09 mm (men = 8.30 mm, women = 7.89 mm) and 9.08 mm (men = 9.48 mm, women = 8.69 mm).

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What is the normal size of teeth?

Is a flared set of teeth normal after braces?

This is what causes that flared look, but it is a lot easier to take care of than you might think. A lot of people wonder, “Is a flared set of teeth normal after braces?”, and the simple answer is that yes, it is normal to have flared teeth after getting braces removed, but it is also not something that you have to live with.

Can a mild gap between teeth from braces be fixed?

Rarely, a mild gap may persist after the removal of braces due to incomplete treatment. Sometimes, a mild gap may not be corrected for other factors like closing the gap may cause other teeth to become misaligned. However, it can be corrected later.

How often should I get my teeth adjusted after braces?

For example, some people get their braces taken off and do not experience flared teeth, so they do not need to worry about months of adjustments after having the braces removed. However, it is common to have to go back for fittings every few months so that the retainer can easily and quickly get those flared teeth under control.

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Why are my front teeth so far apart on one side?

Besides, if you had an abnormal labial frenum, you would have more chance of this spacing. This is the case when you have spaced front teeth because of thick and extended gum tissue between the teeth. Your orthodontist may cut the tissue to close the space. If it’s not cut, space becomes reopen even after treatment.