
How many months current affairs are needed for bank exams?

How many months current affairs are needed for bank exams?

Current Affairs for Bank exams are not very complex and generally, important events within 3-4 months from the examination date are extremely important from the online written test perspective.

How many questions are for static GK in bank exams?

Now, General Awareness comprises of three further topics i.e, Current Affairs, Static Awareness and Banking Awareness. Out of these 3 topics, around 6-7 questions are asked from the Static Awareness.

How many months current affairs asked in SBI clerk?

Q. For how many months the current affairs news can be covered for the SBI clerk examination? A. Last 6 months current affairs news should be prepared and weekly and monthly quizzes can be taken to revise the topics regularly.

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What is static GK syllabus?

What is Static GK? Static GK connotes general knowledge about the static facts, the facts that are never going to change in the future. Facts in Static GK covers people, places, things, important days, currencies, dances etc. Like history, static GK also never changes with time.

What are the important topics for static GK for Bank Exams?

In banking awareness, there are a lot of topics to cover. Some of the important topics are, History of banking, banks, and their headquarters, banking terminologies, regulation acts, etc. All these topics are very important for static GK for bank exams.

Are there any banking awareness questions asked in the Bank Exams?

Banking awareness questions asked in the previous year examinations have also been discussed here. The banking awareness section is vast, and candidates must note that the General Awareness section in the bank exams is one of the most scoring sections.

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Why static GK PDF 2021 is best option for exam preparation?

For all the competitive exams you can use this static GK pdf 2021 materials. The static GK questions will come under the general awareness section. So update with the Static GK pdf 2021 for improving your score in the general awareness section. Our Guidely experts have worked very hard to prepare this static GK pdf download with the best quality.

Why static GK PDF topics are important for IAS exams?

The mains exam consists of the general awareness section that plays a major role. In the general awareness section, the static GK pdf topics play a vital role and consist of a high weightage. This section shall increase your sectional as well as an overall score by utilizing less time.