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How many people are actually happy at their jobs?

How many people are actually happy at their jobs?

The portion who say they are “completely satisfied” at work has risen dramatically over the past two decades, from 41 percent in 2001 to 55 percent in 2019.

Is everyone happy with their job?

A global poll conducted by Gallup has uncovered that out of the world’s one billion full-time workers, only 15\% of people are engaged at work. That means that an astronomical 85\% of people are unhappy in their jobs.

Is it OK to not enjoy your job?

You can and should find enjoyment in your work. Doing so is very valuable to your life in many ways, including greatly increasing your probability of financial success. But you don’t have to love, or even like your overall job to enjoy everyday aspects of it.

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What are the best careers?

The best careers are mainly in the healthcare and technology fields. In fact, the top 10 careers are all in these two fields. Dentist, Nurse, Pharmacist, Physician, Physical Therapist, Dental Hygienist for healthcare and Systems Analyst, Database Admin, and Software Developer and Web Developer for technology.

How many applicants are there per job?

There are multiple reports on what the average number of applicants per job is and they vary from source to source. Some say 118 applicants per job opening and others say up to 250. Your mileage may vary according to which organization and which industry you’re interested in.

What careers can help people?

The medical field is the largest industry offering careers that consistently help people get better, stay healthy or just survive. Recession-proof options that are high in demand include doctors, surgeons, physician’s assistants and registered nurses.

What are the best jobs for helping people?

Finding a career that makes a real difference can be challenging. The good news is that for those looking for careers helping people, there are many good opportunities that pay a decent salary. Five of those careers are: nutritionist, youth counselor, social worker, teacher, and nurse.