How many people died in The Silmarillion?

How many people died in The Silmarillion?

In just over 200 pages, I counted a total of 52 named characters who met an untimely death in The Silmarillion (though I am sure there are more). Most of these were killed by friends, foes or else took their own lives.

Who is Oren in The Silmarillion?

Oren – Played by Joseph Mawle (Benjen Stark in Game of Thrones), Oren is said to be the show’s main villain. Likely an agent of Sauron, Oren’s presence suggests the big man in black himself won’t be the main antagonist, at least in the first season.

How many died at the Battle of Helms Deep?

Battle of the Hornburg
About 3000 Rohirrim, a “forest” of Huorns 10,000 at the least
Heavy, but precise numbers are unknown The entire force of Uruk-hai; many Dunlendings slain, the rest surrendered
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Is Elrond in the Amazon series?

The Inverse Analysis — Elrond is one of a few characters from the Lord of the Rings trilogy rumored to be in the Amazon series. Galadriel is also said to be in the TV show, as is Sauron himself, and many fans believe the latter will be taking on a much different form than the one he did in Jackson’s film trilogy.

Who are the main characters in The Silmarillion?

The Silmarillion /Characters 1 Eru and the Valar 2 Eru Ilúvatar. Eru (the One), also called Ilúvatar (All-Father), is the monotheistic God of Tolkien’s universe. 3 The Valar. The Powers of the World. 4 Enemies 5 Melkor / Morgoth Bauglir. 6 Sauron. 7 Ungoliant. 8 Glaurung. 9 Gothmog. 10 Werewolves.

Is the Silmarillion a complete novel?

The Silmarillion, along with other posthumous collections of Tolkien’s works, such as Unfinished Tales and the The History of Middle-earth series, form a comprehensive yet somewhat incomplete narrative that describes the universe within which The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings take place.

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How many characters are there in The Lord of the Rings?

Based on 982 characters from the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and Tolkien’s posthumously published works including the Silmarillion. This graph shows the known characters of Middle-Earth and Aman divided by race and sex. Some races, such as Ents and Eagles, have been excluded.

What are the 5 parts of The Silmarillion?

The Silmarillion is comprised of five parts: The Ainulindalë – The creation of Eä (Tolkien’s universe) and Ainur by Eru Ilúvatar and the start of the corruption of Melkor The Valaquenta – A brief description of the Valar and Maiar, the supernatural beings