
How many postcodes are there in Scotland?

How many postcodes are there in Scotland?

Scotland is divided up into 16 different postcode areas. Each postcode area is divided up unto numerous smaller districts.

How many post code areas are there?

There are more than 1.7 million (1,770,724 as at November 2020 ) unit postcodes. This number changes regularly as around 2,750 postcodes are created and 2,500 are terminated each month.

What is a Scottish postcode?

Postcode sector boundaries are created and maintained by National Records of Scotland (NRS). Postcode districts are represented by the outward code (first part of a postcode) plus the first character of the inward code. For example, if the individual postcode is EH12 7TB, then the sector of that postcode is EH12 7.

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What is Glasgow postcode?

Click to view map

Postcode Ward Easting
G1 1AB Anderston/City/Yorkhill 259625
G1 1AD Anderston/City/Yorkhill 259163
G1 1BA Anderston/City/Yorkhill 259810
G1 1BL Anderston/City/Yorkhill 259696

Does each house have a different postal code UK?

A full postcode is known as a “postcode unit” and designates an area with several addresses or a single major delivery point. Each postcode area contains a number of post towns which are not themselves alphabetically denoted; however each will generally constitute one or more postcode districts.

What is Glasgow zip code?

Glasgow/Zip codes

Where is the G17 postcode?

G17 495 (Glasgow) postcode – demographic & neighbourhood report.

How many Glasgow postcodes are there?

Postcode district boundaries:

Postcode sectors 241
Postcodes (live) 31,804
Postcodes (total) 46,727
Statistics as at May 2020

How do I watch ITV in Scotland?

Shows on the main ITV channel aren’t available to viewers in Scotland so, if you’re watching on our website, you may be directed to STV to watch there instead. If you’re watching on your mobile or TV, shows from ITV2, ITV3, ITVBe, ITV4 and CITV will be available, but not from ITV main channel.

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How do I Find my postcode in Scotland?

Interactive map of postcodes in Scotland. Click on the map to find the full postcode for your mails destination. Get a full postcode in Scotland by clicking on the interactive map or found your outward post code by selecting the city on our list above. Also available, address search for postcodes.

What is the Scottish Postcode Directory (SPD)?

The Scottish Postcode Directory (SPD) has been compiled for users by our Geography team. It relates both live and deleted postcodes in Scotland to a range of statutory, administrative, electoral and other area geographies. More information on postcodes is available in our Background Note (Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) 3.43 MB).

Where can I find the postcode index?

The Postcode Index is freely available as CSV files or as an Access database. Postcode boundaries are available to all members of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PGSA) (Ordnance Survey website) only. They are provided in Esri Shapefile format.

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What format are the Scottish Postcode Directory files provided in?

They are provided in Esri Shapefile format. The postcode data can be downloaded directly from our website or provided on CD from our Geography Customer Services. The Scottish Postcode Directory files contains postcode boundaries, index files, metadata and guidance notes.