
How many seats are there in JEE for general category?

How many seats are there in JEE for general category?

IITs have a limited number of seats only i.e. 16,053 for about 2.5 lakh applicants. Given below are the number of seats as per JoSAA Seat Matrix 2020 for all the categories….Total Open & Reserved Seats in IITs – Seat Matrix at 23 IITs.

Category Number of IIT Seats
Open-PwD 328
General-EWS 1502
General-EWS-PwD 71
SC 2291

How many seats are there in IIT 2019 general category?

In 2019, a total of 13674 seats were filled for the IITs. While the actual number of seats is about 12,432, from 2018 supernumerary seats are also added for female candidates as well as 10\% quota for EWS candidates, which has increased the numbers.

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What is General EWS rank in JEE mains?

Thus General-EWS rank is the rank for candidates willing to avail EWS quota. It will help in easing of closing ranks for those students. For example if you were getting any branch in 25k general rank last year, you can get it for 29k-30k rank under EWS quota this year.

What is the new reservation policy for the JEE Main 2019?

The new reservation policy says the students from general categories whose parents fulfil the per year income criteria are also eligible to get 10\% reservation in the seat. JEE Main reservation of seats 2019has been defined along with the eligibility criteria for JEE Main 2019 in the official notification for the exam.

Is there any reservation for international students in the JEE Advanced 2019?

JEE Advanced 2019 also allows foreign nationals under the official reservation policy of the Indian Government. International candidates aspiring to join any of the high-ranking engineering institutes of this country need to fall under the below criteria to be considered:

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What is section IIIIII in JEE Advanced 2019?

III. Any candidate failing to show relevant and acceptable proof shall not be considered under reservation category, and hence, fall under the General category. JEE Advanced 2019 also allows foreign nationals under the official reservation policy of the Indian Government.

How many seats are there in JEE Advanced 2019 for Defence background?

Answer: In JEE Advanced 2019, only 2 seats will be allotted to every student who belongs to the defence background. Though, an aspiring applicant will be listed under current merit list. Hopefully, the above mentioned criteria and procedures have been crystal cleared to you.