
How many ways can 4 letters be posted in 3 letter boxes?

How many ways can 4 letters be posted in 3 letter boxes?

Since each letter can be posted in any one of the three letter boxes. So, a letter can be posted in 3 ways. ∴ Total number of ways in which all the 4 letters can be posted =3×3×3×3=34=81.

What is the no of ways in which one can post 5 letters in 7 letter boxes?

Hence the total number of ways = 2520.

How many ways can 5 different balls be distributed among three boxes?

∴ Total number of ways to distributed 5 different balls in three boxes =3×3×3×3×3=243.

What is the no of ways in which one can post 5 letters?

How many ways can 5 numbers be arranged?

120 ways
So we say that there are 5 factorial = 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120 ways to arrange five objects.

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How many ways can all the five letters be posted?

Since each letter can be posted in any one of the four letter boxes. So, a letter can be posted in 4 ways. Since there are 5 letters and each letter can be posted in 4 ways. So, total number of ways in which all the five letters can be posted =4×4×4×4×4= 45

How many ways to post a letter in 4 letter boxes?

First letter can be posted in 4 letter boxes in 4 ways. Similarly second letter can be posted in 4 letter boxes in 4 ways and so on.

How many ways can you arrange 3 letters in a box?

Either the two remaining letters go in one of the three boxes ( ( 3 1) = 3 ways), or one letter goes into each of two out of the three boxes ( ( 3 2) = 3 ways). So this case produces 4 ⋅ ( 3 + 3) = 24 arrangements.

How to distribute 5 letters in 5 boxes?

Take the task of distributing the 5 letters and break it into stages. Stage 1: Select a box for the 1st letter to go into. Stage 2: Select a box for the 2nd letter to go into. Stage 3: Select a box for the 3rd letter to go into. Stage 4: Select a box for the 4th letter to go into. Stage 5: Select a box for the 5th letter to go into.