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How much did it cost the empire to build the Death Star?

How much did it cost the empire to build the Death Star?

At $2.2 billion in 1945 dollars for the WW2 super project, Feinstein estimates the 20-year cost to complete the Death Star at more than $192 quintillion (that’s 18 zeros). While $192,000,000,000,000,000,000 looks like a lot, keep in mind The Evil Empire spanned hundreds of solar systems.

How was the Death Star funded?

Given the unexpected destruction of the first Death Star, the hastily constructed replacement would have been funded entirely by government and corporate borrowing. This borrowing would be promptly defaulted upon, on account of the government no longer existing.

How much would it cost to maintain the Death Star?

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All told, the cost of running the Death Star comes in at a total of about $7.7 quintillion per day. As Ovo points out, that’s 30 trillion times the amount of money across all of Earth. While that amount of money is hard to fathom in the real world, that’s the benefit of limitless imagination.

How much is a Star Wars credit worth?

Well, this guy here used gold prices in Star Wars to calculate that 1 Star Wars Imperial credit is worth about 4 USD.

Who has the plans to the Death Star?

Princess Leia
Princess Leia loads the plans into R2-D2 aboard the Tantive IV over Tatooine. Having received the various sets of blueprints, the Rebels on Tantive IV were able to recreate a full tactical readout of the Death Star.

How long did it take the empire to build the Death Star?

The Death Star took 20 years to build, and was destroyed in a single day.

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Why did the Empire want the Death Star?

Tarkin and the Emperor believed the Death Star would be the ultimate deterrent, enabling the Empire to control the Outer Rim through fear of reprisals. When you’ve spent a long time on a passion project you do sometimes allow the heart to rule the head.

Why was the second Death Star built?

The second Death Star was constructed on the edge of the Galaxy above Endor, and was built to maintain fear of the Empire and to restore confidence in its ranks after a devastating loss.

Why was the first Death Star destroyed in Star Wars?

The first Death Star was destroyed at the end of that film, due to the Rebel Alliance capitalizing on a structural weakness. It was replaced by a second Death Star, which was destroyed at the end of 1983’s Return Of The Jedi after the Rebel Alliance capitalized on a structural weakness.

What would happen if the Death Star hit the rebellion?

The most rebellious planets would be hemmed in by the Imperial Fleet until the new Death Star could arrive, with the logic being that destroying the planets with the bulk of the enemy on them would be a decisive blow against the rebellion.