
How much does a musician in an orchestra earn?

How much does a musician in an orchestra earn?

And while Dicterow is an exception, the average pay of a sample of US orchestras in 2013 and 2014 makes jaw-dropping reading for anyone in a British orchestra: $148,720 (£86,000) for the Los Angeles Philharmonic; even for less famous orchestras in the States, the pay is astonishing: $81,892 (£47,500) for the St Louis …

Do orchestral players get paid?

Major orchestra salaries range by the orchestra from a little over $100,000 to a little over $150,000. Principals, the ranking member of each orchestra section, can make a great deal more, in some instances more than $400,000. During the concert season, most orchestra musicians end up with long and intense work-weeks.

How many hours a week do Symphony Orchestra musicians work?

Something that members of a world-class symphony orchestra are used to hearing, especially around contract negotiations time, is that “those musicians only work twenty hours a week” (four rehearsals and four concerts). What is missing from that statement? Let’s see.

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Why do orchestra teachers work for 20 hours a day?

Because much like elementary school teachers, most of our work is done off the clock. Officially, most orchestras have 5–6 rehearsals of around 2.5 hours each for a classical concert, so that’s 12-15 hours. Then, they have 3 concerts over the weekend that last about 2 hours each, so that’s around 20 hours.

How long does it take to rehearse a symphony orchestra?

Generally 9.5 hours of rehearsal with four performances. The rehearsals are three of 2.5 hours each with one that is 2 hours. For example, the NY Philharmonic might rehearse 10–12:30 Tuesday for the new program that week, repeating the final performance of last week’s program at 7:30 pm that night.

What is a typical day of an orchestra player in London?

Every orchestra is different but that’s the general schedule. There is no typical day for London orchestral players .. you might rehearse 3 hours or maybe 6. Or you might rehearse then go on to recording sessions so your day could be 10am until 10pm. The 4 Worst Blood Pressure Drugs.