Tips and tricks

How much does it cost to go from Amsterdam to Berlin by train?

How much does it cost to go from Amsterdam to Berlin by train?

Amsterdam to Berlin by train

Journey time From 6h 12m
Price From $35.55
Distance 357 miles (575 km)
Frequency 22 trains per day
First train 00:24

Is there a direct train from Berlin to Amsterdam?

Is there a direct train from Berlin to Amsterdam? Yes, there is a direct train from Berlin to Amsterdam.

How much is a train ticket from Amsterdam to Germany?

Amsterdam to Frankfurt (Main) by train

Journey time From 3h 48m
Price From $33.07
Distance 226 miles (364 km)
Frequency 21 trains per day
First train 00:24
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Is there an overnight train from Berlin to Amsterdam?

There is no direct sleeper train from Amsterdam to Berlin. You can travel overnight if you want on regular trains with a couple of changes but why anyone would want to do that beats me. During the day there are direct intercity trains from Schiphol. You can also connect in Germany with high speed ICE trains.

How many days do you need for Amsterdam?

How long is the average trip to Amsterdam? Typically, 3 to 4 days is quite enough to enjoy the beauty of the “city of canals.” You’ll even get some extra time to take a half-day tour, to see the beautiful tulips at the Keukenhof Gardens.

What is the cheapest month to go to Amsterdam?

The cheapest time to visit Amsterdam is definitely winter, except for the weeks around the Christmas holidays. Prices start to go down in November and stay low until late February.

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Is Amsterdam cheap to visit?

Amsterdam is a little on the expensive side compared to other cities. Accommodation and attractions both tend to be pricey, so you may want to spend only a few days here if you’re on a tight budget.

How much money should you take to Amsterdam for 3 days?

Re: How many Euros should i bring to Amsterdam for 3 whole days. A 100 a day for the two of you should be ok. Most places will let you pay by credit card so you can easily get away with bringing much less cash than that.