
How much time does it take to complete CS50W?

How much time does it take to complete CS50W?

CS50 Web Programming with Python and JavaScript — CS50W The course is taught by Brian Yu. It involves about 8 hours of study per week over 12 weeks.

What class is after CS50?

After a participant has completed CS50, there are several follow on programs including CS50 Computer Science for Web Programming, CS50 Computer science for Artificial Intelligence, CS50 Computer Science for Game Development and CS50 Computer Science and Mobile Apps (archived).

Does CS50 give free certificate?

If you submit and receive a score of at least 70\% on each of this course’s problem sets, labs, and final project, you will be eligible for a free CS50 Certificate like the below. For a verified certificate from edX, register at

Is CS50 a good first CS course?

CS50 is a good start, but I don’t think it will get you anywhere near enough knowledge to competently work in a cs field. Remember it’s intro to computer science – students complete multiple more cs courses before graduating. e: for example I think Doug mentions in one of the walkthroughs that he’s been coding for 10+ years.

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Can you get a job with just CS50?

Sure, but don’t expect to be a CTO: you still have a lot to learn. Allowing developers at the level of CS50 to find jobs is exactly what organizations like Launch Code St. Louis are trying to do. Is it easy to get a job in the technology industry with just CS50 under your belt?

What is css50 Stack Exchange?

CS50 Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students of Harvard University’s CS50. It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign up to join this community Anybody can ask a question

How good is the edX CCS50 course?

CS50 on EdX is an excellent course, but it is effectively three courses in one in a slightly non-traditional MOOC style, so how useful it is to you depends on how you use it. Do not expect to complete a “week” of the course every week if starting from scratch.