How powerful is Sephiroth?

How powerful is Sephiroth?

There are various impressive feats in this fight. Sephiroth easily handles both Angeal and Genesis, the two highest ranked SOLDIERs from Shinra, only below Sephiroth itself. The average man can jump between 0.41-0.5 m, this means Pre-Lifestream Sephiroth is at least 4238.7522 times stronger than an average human.

Is Sephiroth the most powerful?

Sephiroth is now canonically the most powerful character in Smash.

Does Sephiroth have a weakness?

In terms of weaknesses and resistances, Sephiroth is immune to poison, sleep, slow, silence, stop, berserk, and proportional damage. On top of that, he also has a lesser resistance to fire, ice, lightning, wind, and magic.

Who would win kefka or Sephiroth?

Kefka with the warring triad’s power is much more powerful than Sephiroth. Kefka kills millions casually with his light of judgement and once he ascends to his higher form, assuming he has all of the power of the 3 gods that make up WT, he can destroy continents at will.

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Is Safer Sephiroth stronger than Sephiroth?

If Knights of the Round was cast on Jenova∙SYNTHESIS, Safer∙Sephiroth receives an extra 80,000 maximum HP. For every time Bizarro∙Sephiroth’s head was killed during the previous fight, Safer∙Sephiroth’s maximum HP is reduced by 100, up to a maximum reduction of 24,900 HP.

How would cloud beat Sephiroth?

Cloud uses the Buster Sword against Sephiroth rather than trying to attack him head on unarmed, but is flung back into Jenova’s chamber, disarmed of the Buster Sword, and stabbed in the abdomen, resulting in Cloud using his unbridled rage to defeat Sephiroth.

How powerful is Safer Sephiroth?

Who is the best Final Fantasy villain?

Final Fantasy: The 10 Strongest Villains In The Series, According To Lore

  1. 1 Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
  2. 2 Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI)
  3. 3 Yu Yevon (Final Fantasy X)
  4. 4 Chaos (Final Fantasy I)
  5. 5 Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII)
  6. 6 Cloud Of Darkness (Final Fantasy III)
  7. 7 Exdeath (Final Fantasy V)
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Can Noctis beat Sephiroth?

Noctis might not be able to match up against Sephiroth when it comes to magic, but this doesn’t mean he’s weak. His physical power and warping abilities is more than enough to take on Sephiroth.

Who is stronger Sephiroth or Cloud?

In the end, however, just like in the game, Cloud is ultimately victorious and defeats Sephiroth; which seems to confirm, in theory, that if on equal grounds at their prime, Cloud is stronger than Sephiroth — or at the very least, equal enough to rival in strength and skill to defeat him fairly.