Tips and tricks

How should you sleep when your sciatic nerve hurts?

How should you sleep when your sciatic nerve hurts?

Many people with sciatica pain find lying down painful. In general, sleeping on your side or on your back tend to be better than sleeping on your stomach. If you’re a side sleeper, you may find it helpful to put a pillow between your knees and/or between your waist and the mattress.

What side should I sleep on with sciatica?

There is no “correct” way to sleep with sciatica. Although some people find relief on their side, others find it when sleeping on their back. Try sleeping on your back with knees elevated. If you find that doesn’t work, switch to a side sleeping position.

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What makes sciatica worse at night?

Body Position When you lay down, the weight of your body may put pressure on your nerves in ways that it doesn’t when you’re upright. This is particularly common with sciatica and other chronic pain caused by pinched or compressed nerves.

What position makes sciatica worse?

Sleeping on your side Many side sleepers also draw their knees up slightly, and this only makes things worse if you have sciatica. This is because the fetal position engages the buttock muscles, which can then cause more sciatic nerve irritation.

What is the best sleep position for low back pain?

Sleep on your back with something under your knees.

  • Sleep on your back in a reclined position.
  • Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees.
  • Sleep in a fetal position.
  • Sleep on your stomach with a pillow underneath your stomach.
  • Why does sciatic pain feel worse when lying down?

    When you lay down, the weight of your body may put pressure on your nerves in ways that it doesn’t when you’re upright. This is particularly common with sciatica and other chronic pain caused by pinched or compressed nerves. Cooler temperatures help many people sleep better. However, cold can also make arthritis pain worse.

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    Is your sleep position causing you back pain?

    This position puts the most pressure on your spine’s muscles and joints because it flattens the natural curve of your spine. Sleeping on your stomach also forces you to turn your neck, which can cause neck and upper back pain. While stomach sleeping is best avoided, getting the sleep you need is even more important.

    How to ease sciatic nerve pain?

    Periods of rest

  • Doctor-approved low-impact exercise and gentle stretching to strengthen supporting muscles and relieve pressure on the nerve
  • Alternating hot and cold therapy to relieve inflammation and relax muscles
  • Taking over-the-counter medication as needed