
How similar are Bosnian Croatian and Serbian?

How similar are Bosnian Croatian and Serbian?

Contemporary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian are spoken by about 17 million people and are nearly identical to each other in vocabulary and grammar, though they use different alphabets.

Are Bosnians and Croatians the same?

Twenty-five years after the former Socialist Federalist Republic of Yugoslavia was split into Serbia (which later split again to form Montenegro in 2006), Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Macedonia, a group of linguists have declared that Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, and Montenegrin are all just versions of the same …

Is Bosnia Serbian or Croatian?

Bosnian is one of three such varieties considered official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with Croatian and Serbian….Bosnian language.

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Native to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ethnicity Bosniaks
Native speakers 2.5 million (2008)
Language family Indo-European Balto-Slavic Slavic South Slavic Western Serbo-Croatian Bosnian

What is the difference between Bosnian and Croatian language?

Serbian and Bosnian standards varieties tend to be inclusive, i.e. to accept a wider range of idioms and to use loanwords (German and Turkish), whereas the Croatian language policy is more purist and prefers neologisms to loan-words, as well as the re-use of neglected older words.

Can a Croatian understand Serbian?

Yes. There is way more internal dialectal variance in dialects within Croatia and within Serbia than there is between the Croatian and Serbian standard languages. 99\% of the time they’d understand it without blinking an eye.

What language is Bosnian similar to?

Linguistic Affiliation Bosnian is a member of the Slavic branch of Indo-European languages. Other Slavic languages include Russian, Polish and Ukrainian. Bosnian is a part of the South Slavic sub-group of Slavic. Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Slovene are also South Slavic languages.

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Are Bosnians and Serbians the same people?

Bosnian is not closely related to Serbian or Croatian – it is Serbo-Croat. But since they have invented Bosnian nationality they probably think they should also invent a Bosnian language. Bosnia is only a geographical term for Serbs and Croats and it has nothing to do with nationality.

What is the Serbo-Croatian language?

SOME 17m people in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro speak variations of what used to be called Serbo-Croatian or Croato-Serbian. Officially though, the language that once united Yugoslavia has, like the country, ceased to exist.

Are Bosnian and Serbian the same language?

Instead, it now has four names: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and Montenegrin. But are these all the same language? The answer, according to a group of linguists and NGOs from the four countries, is a resounding “yes”.

What is the official language of the Bosnian government?

The Bosnian government portal is published in four languages: English, Bosnian and Croatian, which are written in the Latin script, and Serbian, in Cyrillic. Yet the region’s politicians do not need translations when meeting.

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How do the different Slavic languages differ from each other?

Today, we have a variety of Slavic languages and they differ from each other because of the different historical influences that affected their development.
