
How strong is Mystic Gohan in Dragon Ball super?

How strong is Mystic Gohan in Dragon Ball super?

Ultimate Gohan is very strong. He is stronger than Evil Majin Boo (Buu) also known as Super Boo, and is also stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Demon Prince Vegeta (Majin Vegeta), and is even stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks. He is suddenly outclassed when Super Boo absorbed Piccolo and Gotenks.

Who defeated Super Android 17?

Goku begins to fly. (Goku goes in the direction of Super Android 17). Goku reaches the Android with the Fist of the Dragon. Goku destroyed the Super Android 17 with akamehameha – Super Android is finally destroyed.

Can Ultimate Gohan Beat Android 17?

Android 17 proved himself a highly capable warrior by fighting on par with Super Saiyan Blue Goku. Considering that Piccolo observed the performances of both fighters in the Tournament of Power, this serves as confirmation that Gohan is indeed stronger than Android 17.

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Is Mystic Gohan stronger than SS?

Simply put, Ultimate Gohan is the character’s most powerful form, dramatically stronger than other established Saiyan transformations including Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan God.

How Gohan lose his arm?

Gohan loses the use of his arm in his final battle with Cell when he tried to save Vegeta from a blast intended to kill him and Future Gohan loses his arm completely after protecting Trunks from the androids.

Can Mystic Gohan beat Kefla?

With Gohan in his ultimate state, the hero went toe-to-toe with Kefla despite the Fusion’s multiplied power, but the pair wound up in a stalemate. And, in the end, Kefla and Gohan were both eliminated from the Tournament of Power by a double knockout.

Will mystic Gohan be able to beat Super Saiyan Blue Goku?

In the week prior to episode 90th, where Gohan was going to have a training fight against Goku in Super Saiyan Blue, a japanese magazine gave an advancement saying this was going to happen and that mystic Gohan was going to be able to hold his own against Super Saiyan Blue Goku. But in episode 90th what we’ve seen..

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Can Gohan hold his own against Goku?

The answer would be yes. Holding his own doesn’t imply him being able to straight up defeat Goku. I’d say Full power mystic Gohan might be stronger than SSJG Goku and can probably hold his own against SSJB like android 17.

Is Android 17 stronger than SSJB Goku?

Although, it’s likely Android 17 might be stronger considering Gohan had to ask Goku to use SSJB while Goku went SSJB on his own against 17. Also the fact that Gohan managed to survive an attack from SSJB Kaioken which is strong enough to easily kill Gohan and destroy him shows that he can clearly hold his own against SSJB.

What happened to Gohan in Dragon Ball Super?

While later bested by Buu after the creature absorbs the powers and abilities of Piccolo and a Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, Gohan retains his boosted power levels through the end of the Majin Buu saga. By the start of Dragon Ball Super, Gohan hasn’t trained in years, leading to a dramatic decrease in his power levels.