Tips and tricks

How to deal with a blunt person?

How to deal with a blunt person?

You’ve probably heard the expression “Be careful what you wish for,” and this is a good guiding principle to live by when dealing with a blunt person. If you want their opinion, you’ll get it. Straight from the hip and dead-center.

How can I stop being so blunt in my communication?

Ask for what you want instead of railing on about what you don’t want. It transforms your communication from hurtful and blunt to honest and positive. Helpful honesty produces a yes; insults rarely do. Even if agreement is not your goal, think “yes” and your words will be helpfully honest vs. brutally blunt.

Are your words helpfully honest vs brutally blunt?

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It transforms your communication from hurtful and blunt to honest and positive. Helpful honesty produces a yes; insults rarely do. Even if agreement is not your goal, think “yes” and your words will be helpfully honest vs. brutally blunt. The question people often ask me: Are there people with whom you must be brutally blunt?

Do people value honesty or bluntness?

On the one hand, people value your honesty; on the other, it’s a miracle you can ever tell anyone what you think because you’re often too busy chewing on your own foot. Here are fifteen things only blunt people can understand.

What are some things that only blunt people can understand?

Here are fifteen things only blunt people can understand. 1. They hate long stories If you’ve ever watched an episode of “The Golden Girls,” you’re probably familiar with Rose’s St. Olaf stories about the mule who skied backwards on buttermilk and the innumerable ways to cook herring.

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What happens when we speak the same language to different people?

Imagine the way we speak to a best friend and the behavior that we adopt. Then, think of how all this changes when we are speaking the same language to a superior (e.g. a school head, religious authority or employer). We behave differently and sometimes change attitudes and feelings even though the language is the same.

Is imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?

It’s been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but with a blunt person, it’s more likely to be a sarcastic comment that shows you how much they value you.