Tips and tricks

How to handle a toxic ex?

How to handle a toxic ex?

Tips for Handling a Toxic Ex

  1. Keep it positive. Don’t talk badly about the other parent in front of your child.
  2. Keep your cool. Many toxic people take a perverse pleasure in forcing others beyond their boiling point.
  3. Keep contact basic and professional.
  4. Keep clear boundaries.

What do you do when your wife walks out on you?

  1. Seek therapeutic help. Seeking therapy is a good idea if your wife has walked out on you.
  2. Be patient.
  3. Get some legal advice when your wife walks out on you.
  4. Connect with your friends and family.
  5. Talk things out with your partner.
  6. Meet someone new.
  7. Try new things.
  8. Guide your kids.

Should I Leave my Ex for being mean and cruel?

It depends. If this is your ex just being their usual mean and cruel self, it may be best for your own good to move away from the emotional abuse. But if your ex is a kind and caring person who would never act mean or cruel unless forced to, then you need to look at yourself.

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Is my ex over caring for me?

It is possible that your ex is not over caring for you. His/her cold, mean and cruel behaviour is his/her way of trying to deal with the feelings s/he still has but does not want to feel. You can usually tell an ex is dealing with conflicted feelings by how they go back and forth. One day they are so loving and kind and the next mean and cruel.

Should I stay away from my ex wife if she dumped me?

If she dumped you and you can’t help but notice her anger and bitterness toward you, it’s probably for the best that you stay away from her for a while. Any kind of reasoning, convincing or staying in her life is likely going to make things worse. Exes that feel angry toward you, will be angry regardless of your actions.

Why does my ex feel guilty about what he did to me?

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It is their way of protecting you even though they’ve broken your heart already. The guilt can come from hurting you, it can come from the realization that they feel like they’re wasted months or years of your life, and it can come from knowing that you deserve better than to be feeling like this right now.