
How was Athens so powerful?

How was Athens so powerful?

This rise occurred largely due to its prominent location and control of key trading routes and leadership in the wars against Persia. While other Greek cities held more powerful armies, such as Sparta, Athens’ leadership proved attractive and helped pave the way for its influence.

Was Athens stronger than Sparta?

Sparta is far superior to Athens because their army was fierce and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. First, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece. The Spartans believed this made them strong and better mothers.

When was Athens the most powerful?

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The peak of Athenian hegemony was achieved in the 440s to 430s BC, known as the Age of Pericles.

Was Athens a strong army?

As Athenian soldiers grew in number and strength, the Greek city-state also greatly boosted its number of horsemen. Their cavalry force grew from fewer than 100 riders to some 2,200 during the fifth century bc.

Why is Athens better than Sparta?

Athens was better than Sparta because, it had a better government, education system, and had more cultural achievements. One element of Athens that made it the better city-state was the government.

Who were Athens best warriors?

Megarians, like all the Greeks, were trained warriors. Spartans might be the best warriors, but all Greek citizens knew how to fight. Megarians would fight if they had to, but they would much rather trade or negotiate. In the ancient Greek world, Megara was famous for its textiles.

Did Athens have a strong navy?

During the Greco-Persian Wars, Athens developed a large, powerful navy in the eastern Mediterranean Sea that defeated the even larger Persian Navy at the Battle of Salamis. The Athenian Navy consisted of 80,000 crewing 400 ships. Its fleet was destroyed and its empire lost during the Peloponnesian War.

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How did Athenians fight?

While generally armed with javelins, they sometimes had spears, slings or bows. The attendants acted as skirmishers before the pitched battle and were assigned to guard the camp during the actual fight.

What were Athens values?

Athens Values. While Spartans valued military strength, Athenians placed a higher value on education and culture. Their main goal was building a democracy. Athenians believed that the only way to build a strong democracy was to create well informed citizens.

What was the lifestyle of ancient Athens?

The center of daily life in Athens was the home. Houses were very simple, in comparison to their public places, with few windows, doors, and pieces of furniture. Even food was simple. Bread and wine were served for breakfast and lunch with wine, fruits, vegetables, and fish were for dinner.

What is the history of Athens?

ATHENS HISTORY. Athens was considered the intellectual and artistic center of Greece, a jewel of the ancient world. It was the city where mankinds’ most precious and most significant moral values were founded. Philosophy, science, literature, art and drama are just some of the concepts born in ancient Athens.

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Who founded ancient Athens?

Athens Overview. The city of Athens was a city-state in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea on the Greek Peninsula founded in about 3000 BCE by Theseus, the king who united the mountainous villages that became Athens.