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How was Harry able to save himself?

How was Harry able to save himself?

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry is attacked by a swarm of Dementors and as his soul is being sucked out he is saved by what he thinks is his Father. He later learns that it is he himself performing the Patronus charm.

How did Harry save himself and Sirius from the Dementors?

Here’s the scene: Harry and Sirius are down by the lake, dementors are sucking their souls out of their bodies. Harry see’s a figure across the lake that casts a patronus and saves him. Wakes up in the hospital, and goes back in time to save himself again, and thus the cycle repeats. End scene.

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Who saves Harry from the Dementors in Prisoner of Azkaban?

Evidence. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Hermione, and Sirius are saved from the Dementor’s Kiss by a Patronus, which some readers affirm wasn’t cast by Harry as the book would have you believe, but instead by Harry’s son, Albus Severus.

Did Snape’s Patronus saved Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban?

We never see Snape summoning a Patronus to save Harry and Sirius, because that didn’t happen. Harry’s time-turned self cast the Patronus which drove the Dementors away, then Snape showed up and carried Sirius and the Trio up to the castle before the Dementors could return.

Who saved both your skins from the Dementors?

Part of Sirius Black manhunt During the attack Harry Potter attempted to defend himself, Hermione, and Sirius with a Patronus Charm, but failed due to the sheer amount of Dementors. However, he and the others were saved by his future self, who had travelled back in time using Hermione’s Time-Turner.

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What is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban about?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling and the third in the Harry Potter series. The book follows Harry Potter, a young wizard, in his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Why was Harry Potter so scared of the Dementors?

Lupin always had chocolate. Despite having faced Lord Voldemort himself, Harry was really spooked when he encountered the Dementors; the soulless, floating terrors that guarded Azkaban. Due to the Dementors’ way of sucking the joy out of the air, Harry’s many dark memories meant they affected him worse than others.

How do you use the time Turner in Harry Potter?

To use the Time Turner, all the wearer (or in the case of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’s pivotal journey, wearers) has to do is turn the embedded hourglass once for each hour they want to go back, and they’ll be transported back to that time.

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What happens if you time travel in the Harry Potter series?

As Hermione explains to Harry in the book, Professor Minerva McGonagall (Maggie Smith) warned her that horrific things could happen if one time travelled irresponsibly. Like, say, killing oneself in either the past or the present, which is sort of referenced in the film during Dumbledore’s own warning to Hermione.