How was Sita Mata born?

How was Sita Mata born?

The legend behind Devi Sita’s birth is divine and supernatural. She did not emerged from a mothers’s womb, rather she appeared miraculously in a furrow, while king Janaka was ploughing the field as part of Vedic ritual in the kingdom of Videhas (also known as Mithila), an ancient Indian kingdom in late Vedic India.

What does Sita represent in Ramayana?

She is, therefore, often associated with agricultural fertility. Sita is also considered to be an incarnation of Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance and Vishnu’s consort. She is one of the main characters in the epic Hindu poem, “Ramayana,” which describes the life and adventures of Rama.

Who was Sita’s real father?

Her father Janaka had earned the sobriquet Videha due to his ability to transcend body consciousness; Sita is therefore also known as Vaidehi.

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What is the story of Sita and Rama?

Sita is Rama’s wife and the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu’s wife—Sita was literally made for Rama. In the human world, King Janaka found the infant Sita in a plowed field and raised her as his own.

What are the virtues of Sita in Ramayana?

Sita is a princess and also the daughter of Mother Earth. As such, she carries all the earthly virtues: fertility, transformation, deep patience, extraordinary beauty and yin-like passivity. Her love is the kind that surrenders to her divine destiny — a destiny that unites her in this epic love story with Rama.

Who is the main character of Ramayana?

Sita also known as Siya, Maithali, Janaki and Bhoomija, was the leading character portrayed in the hindu epic Ramayana. She is addressed as Devi Sita, foster daughter of King Janak and Queen Sunaina. She is the wife of Lord Rama, the main character of Ramayana.

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What is the importance of Sita in Hinduism?

Sita is considered to be one of the Sreshta Naris (most chaste women) and is respected as the epitome of all womanly virtues for Hindu women. Devi Sita is also considered an avatar of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and the consort of Sri Vishnu during the Treta Yuga.