
How will the Earth look in 100 years?

How will the Earth look in 100 years?

In 100 years, the world’s population will probably be around 10 – 12 billion people, the rainforests will be largely cleared and the world would not be or look peaceful. We would have a shortage of resources such as water, food and habitation which would lead to conflicts and wars.

What the world was like 1 million years ago?

If you had observed Earth from space a million years ago, the alignment of the continents would have looked very much like it does today. The lower sea level would have exposed land bridges between continents, allowing freer migration for our ancestors as well as animals and plants.

Why do some countries look bigger than they really are?

European countries, for example, look bigger than countries closer to the equator. The distortion actually arose from translating the world as a globe into a flat map – called a projection – with a grid of latitude and longitude lines that sailors could efficiently use for navigation.

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Is the world map you know wrong?

The map you know is probably wrong. Actually, every map you know is probably wrong in some way — especially since 75\% of the world’s territories face ongoing international disputes over their borders, according to The World Factbook.

How accurate is the world map projection?

The world is not quite what it seems. Most of the maps you see day-to-day are based on Mercator projection. Designed almost 450 years ago, even Google Maps used a variant of this projection until just a few months ago. However, as you can see below, it’s surprisingly bad at accurately reflecting the true size of many countries.

Will the AuthaGraph world map revolutionise how we perceive the world?

Yes, it is a huge gobful, but he thinks the map below (dubbed the AuthaGraph World Map) will revolutionise how we perceive our planet. First drawn in 1999, the cool projection frames the world’s landmasses in a 2D rectangle.