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How would you describe the American Civil War?

How would you describe the American Civil War?

The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865) (also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States fought between the Union (states that remained loyal to the federal union, or “the North”) and the Confederacy (states that voted to secede, or “the South”).

Was the American Civil War a good thing?

The Civil War had a greater impact on American society and the polity than any other event in the country’s history. It was also the most traumatic experience endured by any generation of Americans. At least 620,000 soldiers lost their lives in the war, 2 percent of the American population in 1861.

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Why is the civil war so important to our country?

The Civil War is the central event in America’s historical consciousness. Northern victory in the war preserved the United States as one nation and ended the institution of slavery that had divided the country from its beginning.

What did the civil war teach us?

The conflict killed perhaps 750,000 Americans, ravaged much of the South, malformed the national government, and destroyed America’s political checks and balances. The Civil War was the nation’s most consequential conflict. Eliminating slavery would have offered a powerful moral cause for war.

What were three effects of the Civil War?

It had many important repercussions which went on to have a deep and long lasting impact on the nation. Among these were the Emancipation Proclamation; the Assassination of President Lincoln; the Reconstruction of Southern America; and the Jim Crow Laws.

What were some effects of the Civil War?

The Civil War confirmed the single political entity of the United States, led to freedom for more than four million enslaved Americans, established a more powerful and centralized federal government, and laid the foundation for America’s emergence as a world power in the 20th century.

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What caused the Civil War essay?

the primary causes of the Civil War were the expansion of slavery and sectionalism. Slavery was the main cause of the Civil war. It brought separation of both the north and the south. There were also issues that could have caused the civil war during the Revolutionary era in 1787.

What do you think was the main cause of the Civil War?

Answers. The civil war was caused by unfair tariffs, as seen when Andrew Jackson was in office, and South Carolina seceded from the U.S., because of said tariffs. Also another main cause (as we all know) slavery, but do not let anyone tell you! Even your teacher, that it was the sole cause of the civil war, because it was not.

What are facts about the Civil War?

The Civil War was fought over slavery and the rights of states in the United States of America. During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation . This document announced the end of slavery in the United States. The Civil War was a fight for freedom and equality.

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Do you know the real cause of the Civil War?

Real reasons for the Civil War: Slavery was one of them, but it was not the primary cause of the war. The primary causes of the war were economics and states’ rights. Slavery was a part of those greater issues, but it was not the reason the Southern States seceded from the Union, nor fought the Civil War.

What is the reason behind the Civil War?

THE REAL REASONS BEHIND THE CIVIL WAR! Many people think the Civil War of 1860-1865 was fought over one issue alone, slavery. Nothing could actually be further from the truth. The War Between the States began because the South demanded States’ rights and were not getting them.