
How would you handle an employee who showed up to work drunk?

How would you handle an employee who showed up to work drunk?

Approach the employee politely. Politely approach the employee like a friend and ask if he or she is slightly drunk. If the answer is yes, then you should send the employee home. Make sure you send another employee to drive the employee drunk and place the necessary sanctions like suspension.

What do you do when a co worker doesn’t act responsibly?

How to deal with lazy coworkers

  1. Approach them professionally. Do not approach management right away.
  2. Put yourself in their shoes. As you have an open and honest discussion with lazy coworkers, do your best to put yourself in their shoes.
  3. Seek counsel from others.
  4. Talk to your superiors.
  5. Document the entire process.
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How do you deal with an employee under the influence?

What to Do if You Suspect an Employee is Under the Influence at Work

  1. Know the Laws.
  2. Avoid Making Accusations.
  3. Refer to Your Company Policy.
  4. Be Prepared to Make Accommodations if Necessary.
  5. Common Signs of Employee Alcohol or Drug Use.
  6. Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing in Renton, WA.

How do you deal with a difficult co-worker?

Follow these 12 steps to handle a difficult co-worker:

  1. Learn to voice your thoughts.
  2. Get to know their perspective.
  3. Focus on your positive relationships.
  4. Talk to your supervisor.
  5. Accept their personality.
  6. Stay neutral at work.
  7. Limit your interactions.
  8. Be a better person.

How do you deal with a difficult peer at work?

Collaborating with a difficult co-worker: Do’s and don’ts

  1. Do examine your own behavior before blaming the other person.
  2. Don’t let it get personal.
  3. Do communicate what issues you’re having.
  4. Don’t get baited into unprofessional behavior.
  5. Do remind yourself of what you stand to gain by working with this person.
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What to do if you suspect a coworker is under the influence?

Inform the employee of your suspicion and ask the employee whether they are under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. If they say “yes,” ask them when and what they ingested and document the employee’s statements.

How do you deal with backstabbing co workers?

Once your suspicions are confirmed, here are a couple of ways you can handle backstabbing in the workplace:

  1. Have a talk with the person.
  2. Escalate the issue.
  3. Ignore it.
  4. Maintain a paper trail.
  5. Send your manager updates.
  6. Avoid gossip.
  7. Be aware, even in casual settings.

How do you know if an employee is drunk at work?

As a manager, DO NOT diagnose an employee’s problem. What you should do is identify the behaviors that concern you, state them and document them. The only way to know for certain whether an employee is drunk at work is to have the worker take a blood alcohol test.

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What should a manager do when an employee is accused of alcoholism?

A manager take the employee aside, again with HR or managerial witnesses, to discuss the behavior. If the employee doesn’t have a legitimate explanation for the behavior, have a manager drive the employee to the alcohol testing site, assuming the organization has one.

How do you deal with a co-worker who doesn’t want to work?

Talk to your co-worker privately. If you are a manager it would be easier for you to talk. If you are not a manager, keep it informal. Tell her that her work is affecting the whole team.

Do you have an alcohol policy in your workplace?

Establishing an alcohol policy is important to reduce potential violations of substance and to protect your company from paying for unemployment in events that you dismiss an employee for getting drunk at work. The policy should: Ban employees from getting intoxicated at work. Also, ban the use of drug and alcohol at work