
Is 13 Reasons Why a depressing show?

Is 13 Reasons Why a depressing show?

13 Reasons Why is not recommended for any teen struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, or a history of trauma. And even if you are not a teen struggling with any of the issues addressed in the show, it is still potentially difficult to watch for all audiences.

Did Netflix cut Hannahs suicide scene?

The suicide scene, which took place during the first-season finale, has now been cut completely. Rather than the graphic portrayal of character Hannah Baker’s death in a bathtub, she’s now simply shown looking into the bathroom mirror before cutting to a later scene of her parents’ painful discovery.

What scenes were deleted from 13 Reasons Why?

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Two months after a study linked the series to an increase in suicide rates, Netflix removed a graphic scene. Netflix has deleted a graphic scene from the first season of “13 Reasons Why” in which a teenage girl kills herself, more than two years after the episode premiered.

What mental illness is in 13 Reasons Why?

This series also depicts that Hannah’s suicide was driven by how others treated her and therefore her death was caused by others however in reality, her death was caused by a severe mental illness, whether it was depression, bipolar disorder, an eating disorder or anxiety.

Did Netflix cut scenes from 13 Reasons Why?

Two years after it released the first season of the show 13 Reasons Why with a graphic suicide scene, Netflix has announced that it has edited it out. Christine Moutier at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and others, and have agreed with Netflix to re-edit it.”

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What mental disorder did Clay Jensen have?

In the fourth season, Clay had interviews with the admissions officer from Brown and was accepted. He will go to Brown University after graduated Liberty High School. We also learn that he suffers from depression and anxiety.

What disorder does Hannah Baker have?

Hannah has symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder; she may also have antisocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. There is more here diagnostically than a mood or anxiety disorder.

What mental illness does Justin Foley have?

As part of new character development, former basketball star Justin Foley develops an addiction to heroin as a result of his depression from the tapes. Clay spends a significant part of season two trying to get Justin clean so that he can testify in court.