
Is 95.5 percentile in JEE mains?

Is 95.5 percentile in JEE mains?

For JEE Main result calculation, NTA will convert the marks into percentile scores and use this percentile scores for the preparation of All India rank and category wise rank….NTA Score Calculation:

95.8 37000
95.5 39000
95.2 41300
91 78700

Which IIIT can I get with 95 percentile in JEE mains?

According to your percentile, your CRL rank must be around 55,000….Although you can try in lower IIITs like:

  • IIIT Nagpur.
  • IIIT Bhopal.
  • IIIT Sri City.
  • IIIT Vadodara.

Can I get NIT Rourkela at 95 percentile?

Your percentile is good.As per the previous year cutoffs you can get Medium ranked NITs such as NIT Nagpur, NIT Raipur, NIT Bhopal, NIT Rourkela,etc. You can also get some higher ranked NITs but you may have to compromise with the branch. You can also get good IIITs such as IIIT Jabalpur, IIIT Nagpur,etc .

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What is the expected rank of CS in JEE Mains 2021?

According to your JEE MAIN 2021 percentile your expected JEE MAIN rank would be around 90699-100246. Based on previous year analysis.. With this rank you have quite less chance to get cs branch in any of NITs. Some of the college in which you would have possibility of getting a seat are the following IIIT DELHI Pillai college of engineering

Can I calculate JEE Main rank from percentile score of one exam?

While some experts believe that candidates cannot calculate JEE Main Rank from the percentile score of just one examination, others believe the opposite. Let’s discuss both cases in this article.

What is the best tool for JEE Main rank prediction?

JEE Main Rank Predictor 2021: This is a helpful tool for candidates who appear for the JEE Main exam. Candidates can predict JEE Main 2021 Rank based on their scores. For more accurate analysis, the trends of the last five years are considered when you use JEE Main Rank Predictor to calculate your ranks this year.

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What is the minimum marks required in JEE Mains to qualify?

Hello Aspirant, The minimum marks required for the candidates to score in jee mains to qualify for jee advanced exams are: Gen- 84 to 86 percentile OBC -65 to 67 percentile Sc- 45 – 47 percentile This is an expected cut off by observing the paper and conclude information from various resources.