Is a 20 minute drive to work worth it?

Is a 20 minute drive to work worth it?

A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.

Is 20 minute commute long?

A National Personal Transportation Survey found that the average commute time was roughly 20 minutes each way. While 20-30 minutes each way might not seem like a long time, those extra minutes can add up by the end of the year.

How far are you willing to commute for a job?

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The pie chart above shows that the majority of people (c40\% ) would be willing to travel between 21-30 miles for their perfect role (and over 72\% would travel 21 miles or more), which is encouraging for employers who want to try and find the best candidates for the job regardless of distance.

Is a 30 min commute too long?

You should consider yourself lucky being only 30 mins from work because some people have to drive more than 2 hours so as long as you make enough to be able to afford the gas and you like your job you’re doing good. 30 minutes is a short drive to work.

What is an average commute to work?

In 2019, the average one-way commute in the United States increased to a new high of 27.6 minutes. In 2006, the average travel time for the nation was 25.0 minutes. The increase of about 2.6 minutes between 2006 and 2019 represents an increase of about 10\% over 14 years.

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Is it normal to drive an hour and a half to work?

Yes, it is probably possible, but you really don’t want to do so if you can avoid it. If you are doing a regular 35 hours week then a 1.5-hour commute is doable and you’ll have enough time left to do something in the evenings, but not much.

How far does average person drive to work?

If you drive long distances to your job each day, you are not alone. According to ABC News, the average American drives 16 miles to work each way, with a daily commute totaling nearly an hour round trip.

How much should you pay for a 50-minute commute to work?

That answer is different for every person, but it’s clear that salary is the main determining factor. A recent study asked 500 people to choose between two job scenarios: Job 1 offered $67,000/year with a 50-minute commute. Job 2 offered $64,000/year with a 20-minute commute.

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Is an hour commute easy or a burden?

For one person, an hour commute may be easy, for another, it will be a terrible burden. In this fragile job market, having a job must be the first consideration.

How long is too long of a commute?

Commutes longer than 45 minutes are up 12 percent in that time span, and 90-minute one-way commutes are 64 percent more common than in 1990. The longer your commute, the less time you have for family, friends, exercise and nutrition—and it’s awful for your mental state.

How bad is a commute on job satisfaction?

Just how bad is a commute on job satisfaction? A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.