Tips and tricks

Is a good job worth a bad commute?

Is a good job worth a bad commute?

Just how bad is a commute on job satisfaction? A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.

What to do for work when you hate working?

Here are the things you can do to get our of your current rut:

  1. Do nothing.
  2. Continue to hate your job and regret not finding a new one.
  3. Try to make work more enjoyable.
  4. Give yourself an attitude adjustment.
  5. Discover what lights you up and go for it.
  6. Quit your job.
  7. Questions to ask yourself.
  8. Other factors to consider.
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How many miles does the average person drive to work?

If you drive long distances to your job each day, you are not alone. According to ABC News, the average American drives 16 miles to work each way, with a daily commute totaling nearly an hour round trip.

How do you cope with the daily commute?

Plan your day in your head. Rehearse for difficult conversations or meetings. Make the commute a game. Look for new routes (side benefit – a shorter commute) or see how far you can go on a tank by watching your gauge – what my family calls the ‘gas game’ (my husband does not approve, don’t play this game at night or in bad weather.)

What do you do when you don’t love your job?

It’s what turns “I don’t love my job” into “I cannot stand this life any longer”. Maybe you can’t be entirely open about how you’re feeling, all the time, but you can probably share the load with someone at work: an understanding colleague or a supportive boss.

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How to survive a job you hate (but can’t leave)?

How To Survive A Job You Hate (But Can’t Leave – Yet) 1. Share the load If I asked you what you hated about your work, I bet you’d be able to reel off a long list of things. 2. Reduce your hours One of the most important principles we teach at Careershifters is that new ideas and opportunities… 3.

How much does it cost to commute for a job?

In this fragile job market, having a job must be the first consideration. From there, it’s a simple matter to take your salary and factor in hard commuting costs, like gasoline (see a good guide here) – according to, “… the average employee incurs an annual “commuting gas” cost of $1,483 per year.