
Is American accent the original British accent?

Is American accent the original British accent?

No, beacuse the American accent diverged from the original accent alongside the British accent and obtained it’s unique characteristics a long time after the original accent was evolved. There is also no such thing as the original accent as there where multiple accents in Britain before and after the colonisation of America.

How to pronounce American accent?

Break ‘american accent’ down into sounds : say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

  • Record yourself saying ‘american accent’ in full sentences,then watch yourself and listen.
  • Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce ‘american accent’.
  • Where did the American accent come from?

    The custom of the English language in the US was a result of British colonization, which commenced in North America in the 17th century and immigration occurring in the 18th and 19th centuries. The American accent thus developed into new dialects due to the influence of the British colonizers and immigrants from Germany, Africa, and Dutch.

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    What is American accent training?

    The American Accent training or the US accent training is a regional accent reduction program designed to teach you everything you need to know to sound great in American English.

    What accent does England have?

    Accents and dialects vary widely across the Great Britain , Ireland and nearby smaller islands. As such, a single “British accent” does not exist. However, someone could be said to have an English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish accent, although these all have several different sub-types.

    What do Brits think of Americans?

    Reality: Aside from the image of New Yorkers as too busy to care, most Brits see Americans either as very relaxed, open, and friendly people, or as loud, grating, and rude. Maybe that plays off the English stereotype of the uptight, unfriendly Brit. Either way, I was expecting everyone to be much chattier in America than they are in England.