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Is Arda supposed to be Earth?

Is Arda supposed to be Earth?

Arda being its own planet or Arda being Earth? Its Earth. however, I have seen numerous people saying that he later scrapped the idea because he admitted that the geography and other factors could not align. Tolkien significantly revised the cosmology of Arda to make it fit more closely with Earth.

Is ARDA a flat world?

The Changing of the World was the event in which Arda was transformed from a flat world into a round planet. It occurred in S.A. 3319 when Eru destroyed the island of Númenor due to the deeds of its people.

Who is the most powerful character in Tolkien?

God is the most powerful entity in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe. The Elvish name for him is actually Eru Ilúvatar, meaning “the one, father of all.” So the question becomes: Who is the second-most powerful being?

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How long was Arda flat?

The World
“Ambarkanta Map” (coloured) by J.R.R. Tolkien
General Information
Pronunciation Q, [ˈarda]

How old is ARDA?

Years of the Sun

Age Duration years Began years ago
Years of the Lamps 33,573 60,962
Years of the Trees 14,373 27,425
Years of the Sun
First Age 590 13,052

Where is Middle-earth in Arda?

Middle-earth (Q. Endor) was a large continent of Arda, situated between Aman to the West (across Belegaer), and the Land of the Sun to the East (across the East Sea).

What is Earth called in LOTR?

Tolkien’s most widely read works, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, are set entirely in Middle-earth. “Middle-earth” has also become a short-hand term for Tolkien’s legendarium, his large body of fantasy writings, and for the entirety of his fictional world.