
Is Asgard destroyed Infinity War?

Is Asgard destroyed Infinity War?

Technically, Asgard was blown up to Hel by Surtur at the end of Thor: Ragnarok. However, it truly died when Thanos massacred the Asgardians just before Infinity War. The people of Asgard are not destroyed. It’s reasonable to estimate that a quarter of Asgard is still alive, and at the very least Thor is alive.

What did Black Panther say before war?

In both Black Panther and the Russo Brothers’ Avengers: Infinity War, we witness T’Challa / Black Panther rallying troops for battle. Gearing up to fight, they all chant collectively the word “yibambe”.

How would Asgard defeat Wakanda?

Asgard obliterates Wakanda in so many ways with all the sheer physical power, magic and evil masterminds on their side it isn’t even funny. Storm is a non-factor as are most of Wakanda’s tech. T’Challa and his scientists could create a few gizmos to even the playing field, but they should still go down pretty hard.

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What would happen if Thor invaded Wakanda?

Should Thor get involved he/she could destroy most of Wakanda without breaking a sweat, while the armies of Asgard (who have went toe-to-toe with the Shi’ar and way more) would utterly decimate Wakanda by the afternoon and be home getting drunk by evening. Asgardians are more superior than the average human.

Is Wakanda really as advanced as it seems?

Nope, as advanced as Wakanda thinks it is, it’s really just a big fish in a very small pond. Should Thor get involved he/she could destroy most of Wakanda without breaking a sweat, while the armies of Asgard (who have went toe-to-toe with the Shi’ar and way more) would utterly decimate Wakanda by the afternoon and be home getting drunk by evening.

Is magician better than warrior in Wakanda?

Magic is just an exotic form of energy. Wakanda will have negated all of their magic by the time they hit wakanda. So then its just warrior vs warrior. Very few agardians have durability or strength of Thor. I think Wakanda has better warriors.