Is AuthorHouse a self-publishing company?

Is AuthorHouse a self-publishing company?

Founded in 1997 by an aspiring author who recognized the need for a simple and effective self-publishing process, AuthorHouse has grown into the world’s largest self-publisher, providing premier book publishing and marketing services to authors.

Is it worth to publish book with self-publishing agencies?

Thankfully, self-published books have a much, much higher royalty rate than traditional publishers because you get to keep anywhere from 50-70\% of your book’s profits. With a traditional publisher, they take much more and you only end up with 10\% maybe 12\% after years of proving yourself as an author.

Why do self-published books fail?

Many self-published books fail because authors tend to overlook the basic rules of publishing a new book. Authors who are fairly new to publishing get many things wrong, and the result is typically low sales. Big publishers release tons of books in the market each year, and only one or two of them become bestsellers.

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What is your review of AuthorHouse publishing?

The publishing team at AuthorHouse was helpful and efficient. My book was circulating within 6 months. The customer service is poor, lots of false expectations set that needed to be amended, the team that works with you will make millions of errors and then ghost all contact until you threaten to escalate legally for any resolution.

Is AuthorHouse a vanity press?

Unlike Lulu, KDP or other known self-publishing platforms, AuthorHouse is a vanity press, meaning that you’re paying out of your own pocket to AuthorHouse to publish your book. There’s an author on Goodreads who often peddles his books to his added friends, and to Goodreads reviewers, on a frequent basis.

Why do publishing companies register books in their name?

You are the author of a book and want it published, you choose a package and will pay the publishing house to take all the necessary steps on your behalf. They register the book in their name because that’s what you have paid them to do.

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Is it easy to publish a book and make money?

They quote how easy it is to publish your book and make sales, but what they don’t tell you is that you do not own the rights to that book. The reason for this is that they register the ISBN (International Standard Book Number), and can then distribute your book to whoever they want to. Here’s how it works…