
Is being a freshman scary?

Is being a freshman scary?

Although being a freshman can be intimidating, in reality there is nothing to worry about because everyone, even those “scary” seniors, have been there. Many students remember how they felt entering high school for the first time and can relate to the feelings of the freshman.

What are high schoolers afraid of?

Here are the 7 most common of them.

  • Fear of change. Most of the freshmen lived with their families their whole life and now this is going to change.
  • Fear of alienation.
  • Fear of crimes.
  • Fear of public speaking.
  • Fear of expulsion.
  • Fear of failure.

Is it normal to be scared the first day of high school?

Starting high school can be scary, and it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous. Stay positive, and remember that your new classmates feel nervous, too. Before your first day, try to learn about your new school by checking out its website and social media pages.

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What is it like to be a freshman in high school?

Year after year, a new class of freshmen enter the halls of high schools everywhere with the same wide-eyed expression. It is not easy going from being the oldest and coolest kid in school to being the youngest. Seeing all of those older kids can almost make a freshman feel tiny and insignificant.

What do kids fear most about entering high school?

There are many things kids fear about entering high school for the first time, but a few are more common than others. Year after year, a new class of freshmen enter the halls of high schools everywhere with the same wide-eyed expression. It is not easy going from being the oldest and coolest kid in school to being the youngest.

Is the first year of high school the worst?

There is no denying that going to high school that first year can be a terrifying experience for many kids. If they go in with a positive attitude and do their best, they will survive it just like so many before them.